Women Chefs who have inspired us – an ode to the women in our hearts

Nigella Lawson is a personality who never ceases to amaze us – for us she truly is the Kitchen Goddess. It’s been over a decade that we’ve been seeing her on the telly, beaming from ear to ear and telling us there can never be enough of chocolate or cheese in a dish. Of course, we’d sign up for that.

Nigella’s shows have undoubtedly been one among many that we eagerly look forward to. The joy in watching her in action is because she is not ‘perfect’, and she does not claim to be one either. She has the most amazing way to get her kind of cooking across to the masses. From book reviews to being quoted in Anne del Conte’s (a pioneer in Italian cuisine in the UK), Nigella has certainly carved her space in the industry with much affability and dexterity. We can’t help but look up to her, to her simplicity in cooking and finding joy in the smallest of things.

A woman of substance and a tale of Italy (for us), Ritu Dalmia is someone who needs no introduction. She is one of the many reasons why we love Italy and Italian cuisine. We have seen her shows on TV, read her books, tried her recipes and relished her food at all her six restaurants in Delhi. Well, you do get the drift of how much we love this woman.

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